Thursday, July 31, 2008

An Hour Late

Okay, so I haven't written in a little while longer than I planned, and don't think for a second that I don't have stuff to blog ABOUT. I've had plenty to vent about, but Ramon has been on FUBAR all the time cuz he got a staff position as a, get this, GREETER! he actually HAS to get on at least once a day and sit there and say "hi, welcome to the chat room" "everybody welcome so and so and such and such to the room". I thought it was like a moderator, but he doesn't even have to watch the content of the chat.... it's so stupid.

Anyways, he went to hang out with an ex-friend of ours today. There is bad blood between her and me and I agreed to let him go. I was invited, but I didn't feel good. originally he was supposed to be back by 10pm, but he left kinda late, and her place is a 1/2 hour away, so it changed. I asked to be home by 11pm, he said he'd be back before midnight. Here it is, almost 1 am and he still isn't home. And, while I was writing this, a roommate came down and he had JUST NOW called to say he was going to stop at the store before he came home. That was it, no further explanation, no reason as to why he was late to begin with... and all the vibes and feelings that I used to get when I was around the chick before, not to mention the ones I got when my ex was fooling around on me and wouldn't come home for nights at a time. aagghhh.....

That's it for tonight. This thing pretty much has my mind completely occupied, but stay tuned. My little sister is coming in for 3 weeks starting saturday, and I'll have plenty to talk about.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Another day of work at Shenanigans tonight. It was busy for a Friday night, but we had way too many people working. Each server only had 3 tables, and that doesn't allow for a very large cash flow of tips for each person. But that's Shenanigans for you. However, if they had sent Calvin home, I would've been all too happy. He is a freaking Dee Dee Dee, if you know what I mean. He is one of the newest additions, but likes to act like he has the most seniority. He is a server, but he walked by the dishwasher today, grabbed one of the big empty blue crates that usually holds dishes, and instead of heading towards the spot where it is usually kept, he walked the opposite direction with me behind him, and then suddenly as he is walking he THROWS the crate down right in front of me without stopping. This is the kind of thing I am talking about whenever I complain about Calvin. He's a freaking butthead. (Obviously I am cleaning up my language, as I am not sure what exactly is allowed on this site) I already have a small back injury that I got when I was 16 working at Mcdonald's. It's finally at the point where I don't have a problem unless I've been doing strenuous work or in a weird position for prolonged periods of time. I almost tripped over the crate because of how suddenly he threw the thing down. Naturally I yelled at him and tried to tell him where it was supposed to go, but as per usual he did not listen. In fact he completely ignored me as if he didn't hear me and walked away. When I passed by again, I all but told him that if it happened again, I would hit him. I am not going to have my back screwed up again or worse because of some idiot. Especially since worker's comp would try to screw me due to the fact that it is an existing condition... *sigh* Moving on...

Bills are due soon, and only a couple of roommates have paid, so I had to post the amounts on the fridge today. We've only got a few days left so I hope everyone can get it to me. Some of them are acting like I didn't give them enough notice, but I always let them know when the bills come in and how much they owe. It isn't my responsibility to keep up on them everyday. I reminded them today. Other roommates have come to me and checked the dates and made sure that they were prepared. After all, we are all adults here. If they want someone to hold their hands, then they should go back to mommy and daddy.

Dean got passed over for a bartending job today. He's really upset. They told him when he got hired at Shenanigans that they had plans for him to become a bartender, and now his best friend got it instead. Now don't get me wrong, he's happy for Wayne because he is his BFF, but he feels let down for obvious reasons. Dean has busted his butt trying to please our managers and then he gets passed over like that! I talked to one of the managers today without his knowledge to find out what is going on. They said that because he had some problems with another co-worker that he is going to have prove himself again. The co-worker in question was an awful girl. She caused problems with all of the staff, always starting arguments about stupid things, even called dean a "honkey" one night trying to get him to call her the "n" word. Of course, he never gave in that far, but he never let any of her crap slide, and blew his temper a few times while we were working. Apparantly, even though she started it every time and not just with Dean, (in fact, she started stuff with me, Allison, and another girl that we aren't even friends with) because he was involved, he has to prove himself all over again. I swear, sometimes we are forced to remember that life just isn't fair. Not even for the best of us.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Long time reader, 1st time blogger

Okay, this is kinda new to me, but I'm going to give it a shot. I've decided to start a blog, since I got a virus that I had thought was attributed to myspace. It turned out that it had to do with Limewire. Some idiot decided to attach a virus to a Disturbed song that one of my roommates downloaded and I had to have someone erase my whole computer and install all the basic programs all over again. Needless to say, THAT was fun... yeah right.

So, I guess I should give any would be readers a little information about me. I am 21 years old, and I live in southern Virginia. I work at a restaurant, let's call it Shenanigans (if someone knows their stuff, then they will be able to figure it out). I have 7 roommates altogether, one of which is my boyfriend of a year and a half, one is a friend of his (female), and the rest that work with me at Shenanigans. And yes, the guys like to play the little game from the movie

My parents are divorced. My mom lives with my half sister up in northern Ohio, and my dad lives on his own down by Orlando, Florida. We try to keep in touch, but long distance relationships, whether they be love interest or family, are always difficult.

We have lots of animals in our house too. WE (meaning my boyfriend, let's call him Ramon, and I) have a dog and 3 cats. Our dog had puppies about 6 weeks ago, 8 altogether that lived. We are trying to find all of them homes, and so far 3 of them have found them. there are 2 other couples in our house, one, let's call them Dean and Amy, have a full size chiuaua, the other, let's call them Monty and Serena, are keeping one of the puppies. The single female, let's call her Candy, has a golden retriever and 2 cats, one of which stays outside all the time. And the single male, let's call him Mitch, has no pets whatsoever. All these people and animals would be crowded if it weren't for the fact that we have a 4 bedroom house with lots of extra space. We've often joked that if we put up secret cameras throughout the house that we could have our own reality tv

Anyhow, I think that'll do for now. I plan to keep up on this blog, as I no longer feel I can rant to the people around me, and who knows? If enough people like what they hear, maybe we will turn it into a reality show! lol.