Sunday, July 11, 2010


Omg, I haven't been on here in over a week and I feel like I've fallen off the face of the planet! lol :P

First I had vacation, and now my work schedule is jam packed, so it means a little less time to be on here. This last week pretty much meant working, spending time with my kid, and attempting to have the measliest little life (going out with Joey now and then). But, I finally have a day off, which means I will be catching up on the blogs I like most (especially Bitchy Waiter), and if the mood should strike, you will find some writing in the midst.

I apologize for any missed reblogging and/or replying that may have been worth it, but time just simply wasn't my friend this last week. Now, as it is only 6am, I will be trying to find time to sleep while my baby girl gets in her morning nap (hopefully...)

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